22 Repton Court, Repton Close
Basildon, Essex , SS13 1LN
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 1268287222
Web Site:
Registered in the UK No. 1372356
VAT No. GB 324 6125 82
United Kingdom Head Office

CMR was founded in 1978 and has its Head Quarter in Basildon, Essex in the United Kingdom. Basildon is situated east of London and is within easy reach to all parts of the United Kingdom, Benelux and France. CMR has its own Research and Development team, Manufacturing and warehousing operation. A video presentation of the company's profile plays for approximately eight minutes. Just click on 'play company profile' and pick your language below to learn more about CMR.
Company Profile in English
Profile de Societe en francais
Firmen Profil in Deutsch
CMR Research and Development

Innovation has been the driving force behind all CMR products and a contineous programme of research and development is in place. Hence the arrival of the all new digital sensors which are once again world market leaders in its field. A complete research laboratory with all the test and simulation equipment is available. CMR's speciality is the measurement of low air pressure and air volume in Ventilation applications.
CMR PCB Manufacturing

The CMR has a modern electronic circuit board production line with up to date SMD machines and re-flow soldering ovens. A final assembly line with final burn in climate cabinets and comprehensive calibration stations are in place. A quality control system and final Testing with Validation proceedures is in place. A contineous drive for quality improvement is part of the overall quality system.
PCB Software loading and Testing

All software is designed in house by CMR and is tested in the field for many months before it is released for final production. The PCB's are loaded with software at the early production stage so that all testing of the actual electronic is carried out with its own functionallity. Complete input and output tests are carried out at the time of loading the software by means of automated test procedures.
Automation Panel Assembly

All Pressure or Air Volume sensors can be built into central panels and CMR has a specialist department which designs and builts standard Air Monitoring panels complete for any Scada interface. The panels are mass manufactured and are all the same in the backplate and front door design and only the wiring or configuration varies. There are three standard panel product lines - a DPM Monitoring panel, a DPC Controlling Panel and a PLC Automation Control System which can be used for total Air Managment Control. All Software for the S7 300 Series as well as the HMI displays are written by CMR.
CMR Sensor Assemby and Calibration

Once the PCB's have been made, they will be fitted into the transmitter or controller enclosures complete with power supplies and tubing. A fast production line is in place to cater for the delivery time expectancy of the many engineers who utilise them in the field. Once a sensor is completely assembled, it will go to the final calibration where the sensors are calibrated to UKAS, which is the International Standard. A certificate is issued at the end which is supplied with the transmitters.
Valve Motor Assembly and Test

All dampers and Air Valves are assembled by CMR and the actuators are fitted and tested in house and labled to suit the Installation. Complete tests are carried out at CMR so that the equipment is ready for installation with a minimum of commissioning time on site.
CMR Distribution

The Basildon Facility has up to date distribution logistics for all CMR air measurement and control equipment. A modern warehouse operation guaranties the distribution of the finished goods to any world destination on time. Depending on the product line, ex stock products can be despatched the same day for on time next day delivery or scheduled deliveries for OEM's.