Velocity Probes and Flowgrids

The MDF Duct Flowprobes are ideal to measure air volumes in small round spiral ducts from 80 to 710mm diameter. They produce an average differential velocity pressure to provide an air volume measurement for fan proving, VAV or CAV volume control in ducts and general ventilation applications.

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The RFP ROUND FLOWPROBEs are made of Aluminum. They are duct mounted and produce an average differential velocity pressure to provide an air volume measurement if used in conjunction with the P-Sensors, V-Sensors or DPM-Sensors.

The OAF ATTENUATOR FLOWPROBES are used to measure the velocity pressure in the passage way of an attenuator to provide a stabil airvolume measurement which can be used for constant or varibale air volume control, monitoring and alarming.

The FGG FLOWGRIDS are used to measure the velocity pressure accross the complete duct to provide a differential air pressure measurement. When used in conjunction with the P-Sensor or any CMR Transmitter, they provide a stabil and accurate airvolume measurement which can be used for critical variable or constant air volume control, monitoring and alarming.

The VPP VELOPROBES are like the VPS VELOPROBES except they are made of Polypropylene Plastic (PPs) and are ideal to measure air volumes in almost any duct type such as round, rectangular or square and any duct size from small to up to 1500 mm.

The VPS VELOPROBES are made of Stainless Steel and are used to measure the velocity pressure in almost any duct type such as round, rectangular or square. They provide a stabil and accurate airvolume measurement which can be used for constant or variable air volume control, monitoring and airflow alarming.

The VGS VELOGRIDS made of Stainless Steel are used to measure the velocity pressure accross the complete duct to provide a differential air pressure measurement. When used in conjunction with the P-Sensor or any CMR Transmitter, they provide a stabil and accurate airvolume measurement which can be used for critical variable or constant air volume control, monitoring and alarming.